Project REGNET: Cultural Heritage in Regional Networks
The concept of a 'European Digital Library'
cannot be only based on a technical framework enabling access to digital
goods - there is also a need to introduce new ways of cooperation between
different stakeholders ('Cultural Organisations', Industries, Administrations,
etc) as well as to 'reengineer' traditional business processes in the
light of globalization and world wide markets. The main activities within a
'support environment for I(nternet) Markets' comprise: Content
Engineering, Platform Engineering, and Enterprise Engineering.
The REGNET-Project targets to all three areas and comprizes following
of a service infrastructure
which enables business to business (B2B) transactions as well as
business to consumer (B2C) transactions,
and use of existing - locally held - electronic
catalogues (OPACS: Online Public Access Catalogues) referring to
cultural & scientific objects contained in libraries, museums,
archives, and galleries, as well as to goods and services.
of a distributed search and
retrieval system to achieve a 'virtual union' catalogue of all
OPACS and product/service catalogues held locally ,
of Information Products and
Services including necessary 'supply chains' and the connected
business processes and functions to deliver digital and physical
of a legal framework
necessary for all business transaction on the B2B and B2C level
(containing payment features, copyright systems, authentication
control, etc),
and test of existing
components, standards, and methods in the field of distributed search
and retrieval and e-commerce,
to the REGNET-WEB services via wireless
application protocol (WAP) using mobile phones,
a trial service
(demonstration phase) which should be followed by a regular service.