a | Anchor for hypertext links.
abstract | Story abstract
addressee | Person or organization to whom the postal item is being sent.
alt-code | An alternate symbol for the phrase.
bibliography | Free-form bibliographic data.
block | A group of releated containers.
body | The content portion of the NITF document.
body.content | Actual body content.
body.end | Information at the end of an article body
body.head | Metadata intended to be displayed to the reader.
bq | Block quote.
br | Forced line break.
byline | Container for byline information.
byttl | Byline title. Often contains an organization.
caption | Text for the caption of a table.
care.of | Poste restante.
chron | Date and time.
city | City, town, village, etc.
classifier | Generic holder for metadata. Could be used by researchers and archivists to qualify documents.
col | Column.
colgroup | Column group.
copyrite | Container for copyright information.
copyrite.holder | Copyright holder.
copyrite.year | Copyright year
correction | Correction information.
country | Geographic area with a government.
credit | Names the source of the block quote.
custom-table | A holder for a namespaced XML fragment for custom-tagged data, or for an alternative set of non-parser-breaking content.
datasource | Source of the information grouped in a block element.
date.expire | Date/time at which the document has no validity.
date.issue | Date/time document was issued.
date.release | Date/time document is available to be released.
dateline | Container for dateline information.
dd | Definition data.
del-list | Delivery trail of delivery services.
delivery.office | Postal city or town.
delivery.point | Street, PO Box No.
denom | Fraction denominator.
distributor | Information distributor.
dl | Definition list.
doc-id | Registered identification for document.
doc-scope | Indicates an area where the document may be of interest.
doc.copyright | Copyright information for document header.
doc.rights | Rights information for use of the document.
docdata | Document metadata.
ds | IIM Record 2 dataset information.
dt | Definition term.
du-key | Dynamic Use Key, created daily. Has tree structure indicated by defined form.
ed-msg | Non-publishable editorial message from provider or editor of item.
em | Emphasis.
event | An event.
evloc | Event location.
fixture | Specification for named document, such as Heard on the Street or On Language.
fn | Footnote.
frac | Fraction.
frac-sep | Fraction separator.
from-src | Delivery service identifier.
function | Role played by a person.
head | Holds metadata about the document as a whole.
hedline | Container for main headline and subheadlines.
hl1 | Headline 1 (main-headline).
hl2 | Headline 2 (sub-headline)
hr | Horizontal rule.
identified-content | Holds content identifiers that can apply to document as a whole.
iim | IIM Record 2 Data Container.
key-list | List of keywords.
keyword | Keyword. Can also be a phrase.
lang | Language identifier.
li | List item.
location | Significant place mentioned in an article.
media | Generalized media object.
media-caption | Text describing media.
media-metadata | Generic metadata placeholder.
media-object | Inline media data.
media-producer | Byline of media producer.
media-reference | Reference to an external media object, OR to its following media-object.
meta | A construct for sending generic metadata.
money | Monetary item.
name.family | Family name.
name.given | Given name.
nitf | The root element for NITF.
nitf-col | A holder for a namespaced XML fragment for custom-tagged data.
nitf-colgroup | A collection of nitf-col elements.
nitf-table | A holder for a table, and content-filled metadata.
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