![]() WWW10 Paper Submission: Frequently Asked Questions (and answers) | |
Submission Process | |
Q1 | How do I create an account? |
Q2 | How do I update my user information and what do the fields mean? |
Q3 | What is the meaning of the "Full Name" field? |
Q4 | Should the field "Full Name" include all authors of the paper? |
Q5 | Does every author of a paper need to register on the web site? |
Q6 | I accidentally created a new submission. How do I delete it? |
Q7 | How do I submit (upload) my paper? |
Q8 | Can I mail my submission (send by post)? |
WWW10 Specific Questions (Formats, Dates, Students, etc.) | |
Q9 | What file types are acceptable for papers? |
Q10 | Who will be publishing the proceedings, will they publish all papers and what will be the format of the final papers? |
Q11 | Does a paper currently being considered by a publication qualify for submission to WWW10? |
Q12 | What is due on November 13, 2000? |
Q13 | What does it mean to select a track for my paper, and how do I pick the right track? |
Q1: What does it mean to 'login' and how do I create an account?
Access to the submission system is controlled through a traditional login/password mechanism. A few people will have accounts created for them. Most, particularly authors, must create their own accounts before submitting a paper. If you have not yet created a user account on our web site, follow these simple instructions:
Under the heading "Authors", click "Login here to create a new user account". A blank user record will be immediately created and a form will appear for you to fill in. Enter a userid of up to 13 alphanumeric characters (upper or lower case, number, or underscore) that is not currently being used by someone else and that you will be able to remember. Your userid will allow us to identify who you are, and generate the page information relative to your identity. Next enter a password made up of 5 or more characters, not all of which are alphabetic. Please choose a password that you will remember. The password protects you from someone else logging into the system with your userid and uploading improper information. Please try to keep the password relatively simple so that you will remember it in a few weeks or months down the road. Forgotten passwords are by far the largest single source of e-mails to our help desk. We will not be able to tell you your password, but with proper verification we can assign you a new one.
Upon completion of the userid and password, your browser will request that you re-enter the userid and password that you have just provided. With some browsers and under certain conditions, you will not be offered this opportunity to login and you will get an error message. If this happens quit your browser and restart it. After you have logged into the system, you will be forwarded to a second form requesting additional information about you. To fill in the the second form, follow the instructions for updating user information in Q2.
Q2: How do I update my user information and what do the fields mean?
Upon creating a new user account, or choosing the "Edit user record for XXX" URL, you will be presented with a form for adding or changing user data. Please fill in all the requested blanks on the form and press the "Submit Data" button. Some fields are mandatory and you will receive a error message if they are not filled in. A word of explanation on some of the fields follows:
![]() | Name |
![]() | E-mail address |
![]() | Phone and Fax numbers |
![]() | Full Name |
![]() | Affiliation |
![]() | Optional Comments |
You may also change your password on this form. After you submit the form, a confirmation page will appear. If you missed filling in required fields, they will blink in red. Please go to the bottom of the page and enter the required data. If all required fields were filled in, a blue "Update accepted" message will appear. You can then go to your personal menu (the "Go to main menu" URL at the top of the page), review your personal data (middle of the page), or make additional changes (bottom of the page).
We provide two separate fields in the user record for entering your name. The first, simply called "Name", is the way you would like to be identified on our system. The "Name" field is referenced in a number of places (e.g., when your create a new paper, your "Name" is copied by default into the "Contact" field of the paper). The "Name" field should be entered in ASCII or ISO-8859-1 character sets so as to be easily viewable in Web browsers.
In an international conference many people have characters in their names that are not representable in the ISO-8859-1 character set. In order to reproduce such names exactly as the author desires in the proceedings and other printed matter, we provide a "Full Name" field. Here an author can enter accents or other characters from national character sets. The best way to provide this data is Unicode (UTF-8 or UTF-7), however other ISO-8859 sets are acceptable. Use the optional comments at the end of the user record to give us specific instructions regarding your "Full Name" and we will attempt to publish as specified.
The "Full Name" field is not to be used for entering multiple names (see Q4).
For the majority of users, the "Name" and "Full Name" will have exactly the same data. See Q2 for an explanation of the rest of the user fields.
No, there are two kinds of records (accessible to the community at large): the user record and the paper record. While they are linked, they contain distinct information.
The user record contains personal information; each author should have his/her own user record. The "Full Name" field is intended for cases where the author's name contains characters that are not representable in old-fashioned ASCII.
The paper record contains the information related to the paper, including the complete list of authors. Some information (Contact author) is initially linked back to the user record of the user who created the paper record. If multiple authors have registered on our web site, they all can be given access to the paper record. The box for "Owner(s) of this submission" is where the the contact author can allow the other authors to have their user records linked in (otherwise they will not even see the paper). When their user ID is entered in this box, they can view and edit the paper record (every transaction is logged, so damage is minimized).
No, it is not necessary that all authors of a paper login and register. However, we do encourage it. It has been our experience that individuals can 'disappear' for weeks at a time due to conferences, holidays, and the like, and with additional contact information we have a chance to reach at least one of the authors. (Q4 describes how to give additional authors access to the paper record that one of the authors creates).
A paper with no owner is considered deleted. Log in. On your personal menu, go to "Edit my submissions" (near the bottom of the page) and select "Edit paper #" (where # is the actual number of the paper you would like to delete). Near the bottom of the edit page is a box entitled "Owner(s) of this submission". Delete all userids from this box and submit the record. As far as you are concerned, the paper is now gone.
We encourage you to create a new paper record and fill in the required fields (e.g., authors, title, track, etc.) as soon as possible. You may edit this data later. Paper creation and editing URLs are at the bottom of your personal menu.
When your paper is ready:
No, we can only accept electronic submissions via the web site. The WitanWeb software manages the whole review process and electronic delivery of documents to referees is a key component.
All paper submissions must be submitted in either html or pdf format. Please go to the 'Call for Participation: Refereed Papers' site for more detailed information on format guidelines. Refereed papers should be written in English. The papers should be no longer than 25 pages, including bibliography, appendices, figures and tables when printed from a standard browser (e.g. Netscape 4.0+ or IE 4.0+). The total number of words should not exceed 8,000 words. There is no minimum. Look over the papers that were accepted at WWW9] to get a sense of the sort of papers that are generally accepted to this conference series. The cover page or first page of each paper should indicate: title, author name(s) and affiliation(s), an abstract (no more than 250 words), suggested review area(s), a list of keywords, and approximate word counts. Such things as complicated mathematical formulas should be rendered into a GIF or JPEG.
Paper versions of the proceedings will be produced by Elsevier. CD-rom versions of the proceedings will be done by Foretec Seminars, and all accepted papers will be put up on the conference web site. Every accepted paper will be published in the proceedings, but not necessarily in the form of a special issue of any journal. The final format of the paper will be done in html using the conference paper CSS.
No, only if it is rejected by the other conference/publisher prior to submission deadline can you submit it to our conference. It is considered bad form to have a paper simultaneously under review for two publications.
The deadline is for us to receive, on this web site, the draft of your paper that will be sent to the program committee for review. It must be a complete submission; good enough to stand up to the competition for a limited number of slots. Do not expect that you will have an opportunity for any improvements because a great many papers will be rejected. We do not plan on there being any conditional acceptances.
Papers should be no longer than 25 pages See also Q9 for information on formats. Please note that we will only accept a single-file upload. If you are submitting multiple files (e.g. image files along with your HTML), please bundle all the files together using one of the popular archive formats on Unix, Windows or Macintosh platforms (e.g., zip, tar, StuffIt).
If your paper is accepted, referees may have suggestions for minor changes that would improve your paper. The final version for the proceedings will include these revisions and may also have to be in a special format to conform to the styles of the publisher (see also Q10).
The program committee that will evaluate submitted papers is divided into paper-tracks, each with its own vice-chair and deputy vice-chair. See the Call for Papers for the names of the vice-chairs, deputy vice chairs and examples of the topics covered by each paper-track. When you submit a paper, request the paper-track that most closely approximates the topic of your paper. We will try whenever possible to assign the paper to the vice-chair or deputy vice-chair in charge of the paper-track you selected. If the paper overlaps several paper-tracks, pick one of them and we will try to ensure the paper is read by reviewers with the appropriate expertise. Entering data in the Other Keywords or Optional Comments field in the paper record will assist us in making the assignment.
![]() ![]() ![]() Powered by NRC's WitanWeb software, using a mod_perl enhanced Apache server and Mini SQL (mSQL) database management system. Last modified: October 11, 2000 |